Let us learn about factors of 56
A factor is a number can evenly be divided into another number. Any number that can be divided by1 & itself. Numbers which can only be divided by 1 & themselves are called prime numbers. The number 1 & the number itself are factors of the number.
Factors of 56 = 2, 4, 7, 14, 28
In our next blog we shall learn about dicot root I hope the above explanation was useful.Keep reading and leave your comments.
A factor is a number can evenly be divided into another number. Any number that can be divided by1 & itself. Numbers which can only be divided by 1 & themselves are called prime numbers. The number 1 & the number itself are factors of the number.
Divide the given number by first prime number 2.
56/2= 28 remainder is (0).
2 is one of the prime facto
28/2 = 14 remainder (0).
2 is a prime factor.
14/2=7 remainder (0).
2 is a prime factor.
So the prime factor of the number 56 is 2 * 2 * 2 * 7