Monday, August 3, 2009

Maximum and Minimum value of a function

Maximum and minimum value of a function can be determined by simplifying the function with given intervals of time.

Function is a concept which expresses the idea that one quantity completely determines another quantity. Here is one such problem for your practice and understand how the value of function varies with respect to given interval of time.

Question : Find the maximum and minimum value of the function y = x3 - x on the interval [-3,3]

On substituting the value of x as -3 and 3, maxima and minima of function are found.

Solution :

When x = -3

y = x3 - x

= (-3)3 - (-3)

= -27 + 3

= - 24

And when x = 3

y = (3)3 - 3

= 27 - 3

= 24

Hence maximum value of function is 24 and minimum is - 24

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