Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Equation of the line which is passing through two points

Question :-

Find the equation of the line which is passing through two points (-3,7)(5,-1)


We have to use the point formula to find the equation of the line which is similar to midpoint formula

y-y1     x-x1
------ = ------
y2-y1     x2-x1

We have 2 points

( -3 , 7 )  and ( 5 , -1 )
  x1  y1          x2  y2

So the equation is

y-7      x-(-3)
------ = ------
-1-7      5-(-3)

y-7      x+3
------ = ------
-8        8

We can further simplify it by cross multiplication.that comes under indices maths

similarly we can find all points having an x-coordinate of 2 whose distance from the point 2 1 is 5

Monday, August 17, 2009

Simple quadratic equation

Topic: Quadratic Equation

An equation of the form ax2+bx+c=0 where a, b, c are real numbers and a =/ 0, is called a quadratic equation.


Solve: x2 - y = 3, x - y = -3


x2 - y = 3, x - y = -3

x2 - y = 3

x - y = -3

+ y + y
x = y - 3

Putting this in the first equation

(y -3)x2 - y = 3

y2 - 6x + 9 - = 3

y2 - 6x + 9 - y = 3

y2 - 7y + 9 = 3

-3 -3

Factoring (y - 6) (y -1) = 0

y = 6 on 1

x = y - 3 = 6 - 3 = 3

x = 1 - 3 = - 2

The solution set is : {(-2,1) , (3,6)}

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Graphing trigonometric functions

Graphs are useful for analyzing properties of various trigonometric functions and are valuable in many applications.The most common use of these functions is in analyzing waves ,sound and electric current and voltage.Although any trig function can be graphed,the emphasis here is on graphing trigonometric functions.

Graphing a Sine function

The graph of y= sinx(where x equals the angle) can be sketched by simply constructing a table ,like the one shown below,selecting values for the angle,x and solve for y,then plotting the points on a graph .

x(2)    : -90   45    0    45      90   180   270   360 

y(sin2) : -1   -0.8   0   0.707     1     0    -1     0
The result graph below,which continues indefinitely in both directions

Note:- The x-axis is set in increments of standard angles in degrees,although radians can also be used .
The y- axis is set in decimal increments ,equal to function values of the corresponding angles.

For more help on this, you can reply me.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Maximum and Minimum value of a function

Maximum and minimum value of a function can be determined by simplifying the function with given intervals of time.

Function is a concept which expresses the idea that one quantity completely determines another quantity. Here is one such problem for your practice and understand how the value of function varies with respect to given interval of time.

Question : Find the maximum and minimum value of the function y = x3 - x on the interval [-3,3]

On substituting the value of x as -3 and 3, maxima and minima of function are found.

Solution :

When x = -3

y = x3 - x

= (-3)3 - (-3)

= -27 + 3

= - 24

And when x = 3

y = (3)3 - 3

= 27 - 3

= 24

Hence maximum value of function is 24 and minimum is - 24