A fraction is a number that can represent part of a whole. The earliest fractions were reciprocals of integers: ancient symbols representing one part of two, one part of three, one part of four, and so on. A much later development was the common or "vulgar" fractions which are still used today (½, ⅝, ¾, etc.) and which consist of a numerator and a denominator.
A calculator is a small (often pocket-sized), usually inexpensive electronic device used to perform the basic operations of arithmetic.(source : Wikipedia).
estimating fractions calculator
By giving input fraction we can get the output as per our operation. Let us see some problems on estimating fractions calculator.
Problems on Estimating Fractions Calculator :
1. Addition of fractions:
To add a fraction we need the common denominator. We can add the fractions with same denominator.
Example 1:
Estimation the addition of fractions 3/4 + 6/4
3/4 + 6/4 = (3+6) /4
= 9/4
Example 2:
Estimate the addition of fractions 5/7 + 9/6
To add a fraction we need to make common denominator,
5/7 + 9/6 = (5 * 6) / (7 * 6) + ( 9 *7) / ( 6 * 7)
= 30/42 + 49 /42
= ( 30 + 49 ) / 42
= 79 / 42
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2.Estimating subtraction of fraction:
Example 1:
Estimating the subtraction for the following fractions 5/4 - 2/4
Given , 5/4 - 2/4
In the above fractions , the denominator is equal.
So we can subtract the numerator of the fractions just like integers and keep the denominator,
5/4 - 2/4 = (5-2) / 4
= 3/4
Answer: 5/4 - 2/4 = 3 / 4
Example 2:
Estimating the subtraction for the following fractions 5/4 - 9/8
Given, 5/4 - 9/8
Both fractions are has different denominator,
So we need to find the lcd for 4 and 8.
Multiple of 8 = 8 , 16 ,24 ,.....
Multiple of 4 = 4 ,8, 12 ,16 ,....
The least common multiple of 4 and 8 is 8.
Multiply 5/4 by 2 on both numerator and denominator ,
(5*2) / ( 4 * 2) = 10 /8
Now we can add the fractions,
5/4 - 9 / 8 = (10 /8) - (9 / 8)
= (10- 9 ) /8
= 1 / 8
Answer : 5/4 - 11/8 = 1/ 8
Problems on Estimating Fractions Calculator :
3. Estimating multiplication of fractions:
Just like integers we can multiply the fractions.
Multiply 3/8 * 24 / 27
Given, 3/8 * 24 / 27
3/8 * 24 / 27 = (3 * 24) / ( 8 *27)
= 72 / 216
Divide by 72 on both numerator and denominator,
= 1/3
4.Estimating division of fractions:
Example :
Divide the fractions 14/18 ÷ 7/9
Given, 14/18 ÷ 7/9
14/18 -> Dividend
7/9 -> Divisor
Take a reciprocal of the divisor,
Reciprocal of 7/9 = 9/7
Multiply the reciprocal of divisor by the dividend.
14/18 * 9/7 = (14 * 9) / ( 18 * 7)
= 126 / 126
= 1
Answer: 14/18 ÷ 7/9 = 1
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