Sunday, May 19, 2013

Math Symbols Terms

There are many terms and symbols used in math. The symbols can be used to perform some operations such as addition, multiplication, subtraction, division; relationship symbols such as less than, greater than, equal, not equal, etc. The math terms can be used to describe the topics such as algebra, arithmetic, array, and axis, etc. Let us see about math symbols and terms in this article.

I like to share this Symbol for Correlation with you all through my article. 

Some of the Math Symbols

It can be represented as +. It is used for addition operation and also for logical OR purpose. It can be read as plus or logical or.
It can be represented as –. It is used for subtraction operation. It can also spelled out as minus.
Multiplication can be represented as ×. It is used for multiply the given terms.  It can also spelled out as into.
It can be represented as ÷. It is used for dividing the given terms.  It can also spelled out as divide by.
It can be represented as %. It is used for calculating the ratio that compares to the number 100.  It can also spelled out as percent.
Summation can be represented as `sum`   . It is used for calculating the sum of many or infinite values.  It can also spelled out as sum.
Dot Product:
It can be represented as (.). It is used for calculating the scalar (dot) product of two vectors.  It can also spelled out as dot.
Cross Product:
It can be represented as (×). It is used for calculating the vector (cross) product of two vectors. It can also spelled out as cross.

Algebra is widely used in day to day activities watch out for my forthcoming posts on Fibonacci Number Sequence and number to words converter. I am sure they will be helpful.

Some of the Math Terms

An algebraic equation represents the scale.
A step-by-step problem solving technique is used in math computations.
It can be used for representing the two-dimensional shapes such as polygon, octagon, hexagon, triangle and circle.
A set of numbers can be occurred in a specific size of pattern. Matrix or array consists of columns and rows.
Axis consists of horizontal and vertical axis having co-ordinates in a plane.
Describing the object with data consists of shape, color, or size.
A circumference of the circle or the portion of a segment draws with a compass.

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